Automation / PLC

Automation from single process steps to full automation with recipe control


Automation increases reproducibility of single process steps and the productivity of complete chemical processes by fully automated runs.
Buchi adapts and integrates commercially available up-to-date technology of leading suppliers which fulfill current technical guidelines and directives regarding flame proof or ex proof equipment for installation in chemical plants and laboratories where Ex Zone specifications are required. Automation is often customized with existing plant standards.

Buchi solutions cover control of and multiple processes. Customized PLC for chemical plants cover basic control functions:

  • stirrer speed, vacuum / pressure, Temperature control TCU, data logging






Automation in Chemical Research

In chemical research, reproducibility and productivity is increased by automation. Up to 6 reactors can be operated in parallel by our Parallel Pressure Reactor system, which dramatically shortens the time for research and development.

Buchi solutions for chemical research Labs (and plants):



  • Download PDF FileInstrumentation
  • Download PDF FileMeasure, Display, Control
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